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Liturgical Ministries

Below you will find a listing of liturgical ministries available to parishioners of Seven Dolors Parish. For more information that may not be listed, please don’t hesitate to contact the parish office.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Parishioners who express an interest in distributing Holy Communion during Mass and to the homebound may be trained and commissioned to assist in this ministry.  Even as all Catholics should have a deep reverence for our Lord Jesus Christ in the gift of the Eucharist, some parishioners hear that call to present Christ to others through this ministry. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must be at least 16 years old. A person interested in becoming an extraordinary minister is invited to contact the parish administrator.​

Parishioners who express an interest in proclaiming the Word of God during Mass or at other liturgies may be trained to assist in this ministry.  Even as all Catholics should have a l​​ove for our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Word made flesh, some parishioners hear that call to proclaim Christ’s message to others through this ministry. Lectors must be at least 14 years old. A person interested in becoming a Lector is invited to contact the parish administrator.

Altar Servers
Parishioners who express an interest in serving the parish by serving around the altar for Mass or other liturgies may be trained to assist in this ministry. This ministry is open to children, youth and adults.  Altar Servers must be older than 7 and have received First Communion. A person interested in becoming an altar server is invited to contact the parish administrator.

Parishioners who express an interest in praising God through song (i.e., the one who sings prays twice) may join the choir in order to enhance worship with their singing. The choir usually sings on Sundays (except for one Saturday per month) during the school year. Rehearsals are normally scheduled on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM in the church. A person interested in becoming a member of the choir is invited to contact the parish music director.

Parishioners who have the talent and express an interest in leading the assembly in song may inquire about becoming a cantor. The ministry is open to youth and adults who manifest the skill and style to lead the assembly in its singing. Rehearsals are scheduled at the convenience of the cantor and organist (sometimes before or after Thursday’s choir practice, or before Mass). A person interested in becoming a member of the choir is invited to contact the parish music director.

Parishioners who express an interest in assisting visitors and parishioners by helping worshipers to get situated, passing out materials, taking up the collection, coordinating gift bearers, and handing out bulletin may assist in this ministry.  Ushers also provide assistance in cases of emergencies. Ushers may be youth or adults who are comfortable in working with others. A person interested in becoming an usher is invited to contact the parish administrator.

Greeters & Welcomers
Parishioners who express an interest in welcoming and greeting visitors and parishioners by helping worshipers to get situated, to make connection in the parish, to to recognize special events, may inquire about becoming a greeter and/or welcomer. Greeters and welcomers may be youth or adults who are comfortable in working with others. A person interested in becoming an usher is invited to contact the parish administrator.

Money Counters
Parishioners who express an interest in counting the Sunday collection may contact the parish administrator. Money counters work in groups of at least three. A person interested in becoming a money counter is invited to contact the parish administrator.

Environment and Art
Any parishioner interested in helping to enhance the worship space (especially for the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter) (including set up and clean up of various liturgical decorations and flowers) may inquire about this ministry. A person interested in helping with Environment and Art is invited to contact the parish administrator.

All Volunteers in the church – Child Protection Services Law 
(18 years of age and older) must complete the VIRTUS program or re-certification, PA Criminal Record Check, Child Abuse History Clearance, Volunteer Fingerprint Affidavit, Code of Pastoral Conduct, Mandated Reporter Training.


​Below you will find a listing of organizations available to parishioners of Seven Dolors Parish. For more information that may not be listed, please don’t hesitate to contact the parish office.

Confraternity of Christian Mothers and Ladies of Seven Dolors Church
​Under the patroness of the Blessed Mother—Our Lady of Sorrows—any woman of Seven Dolors Church may become a member of this confraternity.  The Christian Mothers and Ladies focus on the Catholic formation of children, the support of the family, and the prayers and good works for the parish. Their initiatives are centered on a relationship with Jesus Christ, primarily in the Eucharist, and a bond with Mary, especially through the Rosary. The Christian Mothers usually meet the first Tuesday of the month at 7 PM in Rogers Hall, with the Rosary at 6:30 PM. A person interested in the Christian Mothers is invited to contact its president.

Knights of Columbus – Council 3026​​
Even though the Knights of Columbus – Council 3026 is not a parish organization, the K of C, Council 3026 supports the parish and regularly meets on parish grounds. The Knights of Columbus usually ​​meet the first Thursday of the month at 7 PM in Rogers Hall. A person interested in the Knights of Columbus is invited to contact its grand knight.